1. Speak with Ake
Ake will challenge you to a duel in flyting. Before you start you will be able to place a bet. The currency will be tokens and you can bet 20, 50 or 100 tokens.
Ake: I’m the roughest, the toughest, the biggest, the best! If you think my ale’s good, put my fists to the test!
- I’m adored far and wide. You whine and take up space.
- You’re unpleasant indeed. Can you even swing a sword?
- (CORRECT ANSWER) While I fight and I bleed. You turn honey to mead.
Ake: So because I don’t grandstand or boast just like you! You think being an apprentice is all I can do?
- (CORRECT ANSWER) A calm life is yours to choose. I draw blood, you nurse your brews!
- You make ale and lose fights. You should play to your strengths.
- Who cares if you're good, you'll soon lose! Back to your booze!
Ake: You don’t know who I am, don’t go doubting my skills! This is more than just wits, it’s a battle of wills!
- I'm a champion of wit. You could learn, just watch me.
- (CORRECT ANSWER) You are drunk or insane, with rank rot in your brain.
- Alvis can help you train. O! I forgot. He thinks you're a pain.
Ake: Now you’re trying my patience, so I’ll end it here: You’re as thick and as weak as a bad English beer.
- With practice you’d be great. But I’m not keen to wait.
- (CORRECT ANSWER) In due time you’ll be skilled. Til then, wait, lest you’re killed.
- Do not feel ashamed. I’m someone who’s iron-willed.