Fontaine 4.2 | ALL New Genshin Impact Hydroculus Locations

Posted by Valeria Galgano on Saturday, July 6, 2024

Check out all new Genshin Impact Hydroculus locations in the Erinnyes Forest and Morte Region in Fontaine 4.2 here. There are 66 new oculi to grab.

A huge part of the Fontaine map has been unlocked with 66 new Hydroculus. Check out all new Genshin Impact Hydroculus locations in the Erinnyes Forest and Morte Region in Fontaine 4.2 here.

Table of Contents

I. Erinnyes Forest Hydroculus Locations

There are 36 Hydroculi around the area of Erinnyes Forest, distributed on the surface, underwater, and underground.

#1. Aboveground

A large part of Erinnyes Forest area is land, so most of the Hydroculus in this area spawn above the land surface. You can find 28 Hydro collectibles on the ground surface. Here's the farming route in this area, starting from number 151, following the Hydroculus location No.150 in Fontaine 4.1.

#2. Underground

On the farming route in the Erinnyes Forest, you will spot some marks of Hydroculus on the minimap but cannot see it in the open world. Those collectibles spawn underground and underwater. Here are those hidden collectibles.

II. Morte Region Hydroculus Locations

There are 30 Hydroculi scattered around the Morte Region (from number 187 to 216). Half of them spawn abovewater and the rest spawn underwater.

  • 16 Hydroculi can be found underwater (blue lines);
  • 14 Hydroculi spawn on the ground (yellow lines).

You should farm all Hydroculi aboveground before exploring the underground map for the rest of these collectibles.

#1. Aboveground

Let's start from the east of the West Slope of Mont Automnequi.

#2. Underwater

There are 16 underwater collectibles in Mont Automnequi.

Those are all 66 new Genshin Impact Hydroculus locations in the new map of Fontaine 4.2. There are 216 Hydroculi released in Fontaine up to now.

>>> Also Read: Fontaine 4.2 | Where To Farm & Buy Genshin Impact Lakelight Lily?

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