- General Hunting Tips
- Desert Biome
- Forest Biome
- Swamp Biome
- Notable Mob Weaknesses
- Effective Execution Methods
- Stealth Build Tips
- Helpful Minor Cards for Fable Hunting
- Harpy Hunting Tips
- Vault Hunting
- Charms for Ranged Build
General Hunting Tips
- Spyglass can see ~100m.
- Track Legend can take you anywhere from 90m – 400m away, more if the Fable is bigger. If an Apex (Humbaba, Elder Eoten, Sun Giant) is in your realm, Track Legend will more often than not take you to that.
- Magic power does not affect this spell. Also, it takes you to the spot the Fable was when you cast the spell, it doesn’t follow the creature as it moves.
- Most realms have 1 Wolf Icon, and so only One Fable on the Realm List will be guaranteed. This changes as realms have more icons.
Fables may differ in Three categories:
- Social: Whether or not the Fable travels with an Escort or Solo.
- Temperament: Whether the Fable is Aggressive or Skittish
- Hierarchal: Whether the Fable is Predator or Prey.
Note: If you don’t skin the Fable, the Wolf Icon will remain, possibly causing confusion.
- Respawning is reliant on the Fable as well as any Escorts it has being killed. This will be extremely difficult for large packs of fast prey animals such as the Achlis or Everart Deer. In these cases, you could wait.
- The deer’s natural predators, the Waywolves, usually take about 15 minutes to kill the Escorts, but most of the time it’s better to just make multiple portals with the same cards and move from one to another after each kill.
- There are cases where a Fable is on the map, but not being tracked by a wolf icon. This most commonly happens with Timberknot, the Young, the Sere Eoten Fable, but has been known to happen to others occasionally. Use Track Legend to be sure.
- If your mark is an Automaton, make sure to harvest them with Oberon’s Bounty. This Enchantment also happens to work with the Sere Eoten Fable Timberknot, increasing material yield.
Desert Biome
- Louisee (Elephas)
- Timberknot (Sere Eoten)
- Gearly (Rook)
- Golos (Pawn)
- Strog (Scarab)
- Taracen (Locust)
- Guarfinn (Scorpion)
- Tigal (Mongrel)
Hunt (APEX):
- Sun Giant
Forest Biome
- Triath (Feorrswine)
- Bloodhorn (Everhart Deer)
- Mogh (Beelzeboar)
- Eikthyrnir (Achlis Deer)
- Callisto (Bear)
- Bisclavret (Wolf)
- My’Ternes (D. Weaver)
- Camazotz (Bandersnatch)
Hunt (APEX):
- Elder Eoten
Swamp Biome
- Sphagumph (Galumph)
- Tosq (Haddox Ox)
- Sphagumph (Galumph)
- Blot (Bawcox Fishgoat)
- Ahwer (Leporidon)
- Blacktail (Pihrat)
- Kwilkyn (Tiddalik)
- Nareau (Widower)
Hunt (APEX):
- Humbaba
Notable Mob Weaknesses
- Automatons are weak to Blunt damage and Lightning damage.
- Eotens are weak to Axe damage and Fire damage. Fire Ammo is very effective.
- Bugs are weak to Blunt damage.
- Sun Giant (Though technically not a Fable, i know) is weak to Ice damage.
Effective Execution Methods
Stealth + Ranged:
Get up to about 150-200m away from your mark and crouch, slowly going in with a ranged weapon. It goes without saying that with this method you’ll want good Stealth as well as Ranged stats. Stack charms to make your shot do as much as possible.
Aerial Strike:
Where you glide over your prey with the Sickle in hand, cancel the glide and launch your Sicklerang at your prey. If this doesn’t kill it, it will certainly stun it, allowing you to land and attack again.
For Fast prey animals you may actually want to perform a Gnuz Tokomi Specialty and sleep just out of earshot of the prey, and when you wake up they will still be sleeping, and very slow to react. Allowing you to sneak up for the kill.
Stealth Build Tips
- Gear/Tools with the best base Stealth Stats are Hermetic Boots (15%), Explorer’s Cropped Breeches (5%), Dauntless/Mystic Hunting Knives (25%), Mystic Spyglass (25%)
- Remember that as of Update 0.2 you can place Stealth stats on any item.
- The best Hides for Stealth are T3 Fabled Harpy Hide (50%) or T3 Harpy (also 50%)
- The best Metals for Stealth are Einadia (50%) or Advanced Hollow (40%)
- The best Gem for Stealth is Spyry’s Obsidian (60%)
- The best Plant Fibers for Stealth are Advanced Bound (50%) and T5 Swamp (50%), or you can use the Harpy Meats (50%) as Animal Fiber
- Don’t forget to crouch, and consume your Veiled Potion to increase Stealth Even More!
Helpful Minor Cards for Fable Hunting
- Utopia card will make you nearly invisible to enemies, but they can still hear you.
- Ghost card will increase Stealth while also increasing material yield, but visibility is low. Pair with Beast’s Instinct for some Predator Level fun!
- Hunter card will increase the yield from slain creatures, but makes it harder to damage enemies.
- Maleficiate Apogean will also double the material yield, but the constant damage could alert enemies to your location. It’s also annoying.
Harpy Hunting Tips
- There is no Fabled Harpy, so you will have to rely on finding pods of generic Harpies to farm.
Short Term: Head to a Swamp Hunt realm and search around with your Spyglass, lay down a Hunter Card, and that should be enough.
Long Term: Create 3 or 4 gates to Swamp Hunt realms (each with a hunter card in play), carefully scout them with your spyglass, and Mark Their Spawns on your map (usually 1-4 pods). They will typically spawn near the same spot each time.
- Then its just a matter of killing the pod/pods in a realm, returning and moving to the next portal, and then repeating the process. Then when the portals close on their own, you can start all over.
- You may find Day hunting to be better, they will spawn a little less, but Bound won’t be there to distract you.
- The Humbaba will also spawn Harpy Escorts, but the chances of nabbing Fabled mats is already low, never mind while an enraged Humbaba is attacking you. However, if you’re desperate, that is an option too.
Vault Hunting
- A method used by J3K and Kaxorian is to create Personal Vaults (On Extreme if possible) until your desired Fable is in the first room. there’s usually two of them, but you only kill one. Then leave and let the portal close. Reopen it and there will be Two again.
- Repeat as desired.
- Fables in further rooms will still work, but will require more grinding to get there.
- Once you’ve found your Fable you can build a foundation, doorway, and a door in the hallway between rooms. This allows you to lure Only the Fable you want (and maybe a few friends) through and then shut out the Second Fable, for a safer and much easier harvest.
- Don’t forget to build a Realmic Transmuter and play a Hunter card for extra yield.
- If you are in a hurry, you may close the game right after skinning the Fable, and log back in, and he will have respawned. No need to leave the Vault at all.
Note: Don’t forget to disarm your Recruit or they could kill the second Fable, ending the loop.
Charms for Ranged Build
- Charm of the Sniper
- Charm of Patience
- Charm of Blindside
- Charm of Flanking
- Charm of Morale
- Charm of the Arsenal (Requires Two Guns)
More Guides:
- Nightingale – Gameplay Tips
- Nightingale – Troubleshooting Guide (Fixes & Workarounds)
- Nightingale – Beginners FAQ (with Useful Tips)
- Nightingale – How to Open The Red Electrical Gates
- Nightingale – Fast & Sustainable Crop Farming Guide (with Tips and Tricks)